in Just Chatting
Just Chatting
BOAT - La culture au sens large. Avec ce soir @Mynthos @BagheraJones @HortyUnderscore VS @KennyStream @AlphaCast @M4fgaming
Zerator, whose real name is Adrien Nougaret, is a popular French Twitch.tv streamer and YouTube personality known primarily for his gameplay and commentary streams. He began his online career in 2005, creating walkthrough and tutorial content for World of Warcraft, but has since expanded to encompass a variety of other games, including Minecraft and Fortnite. Zerator also co-founded and organizes the large annual charity gaming event Z Event, which has raised millions of euros for organizations such as the French Red Cross. Zerator is known for his sense of humor, friendly demeanor, and commitment to gaming and the Twitch community.
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